This Diet Has Been Named The Best for 2022



Source: iStock
If getting to a healthy weight is a top goal for 2022 you may want to consider one particular diet – one that has been named the best diet out there by U.S. News & World Report.
A panel of 27 experts examined 40 different diets and found that – once again – the Mediterranean Diet came out tops for the fifth year in a row. According to CNN, the experts ranked the diets on several different categories, including the diet’s nutritional completeness, the likelihood of the person losing weight (both in the short-term and the long-term), and how easy the diet is to follow.
The DASH Diet – which focuses on reducing salt intake and preventing hypertension – came in second place, followed by the Flexitarian diet in third. The Flexitarian diet calls for following a vegetarian diet most of the time but allows some flexibility in consuming meat every now and again.
“I think it’s important to note that the top three diets — Mediterranean, DASH and flexitarian — all offer variety, flexibility and few, if any, rules,” said Gretel Schueller, managing editor of health for U.S. News & World Report, said in a statement to CNN
. “All the diets that perform well are safe, sensible and backed by sound science,” Schueller continued. “The diet winners also all provide adequate calories with a focus on vegetables, fruits and whole grains; a modest amount of lean protein, dairy; and an occasional treat.”