Check Out These McDonald’s-Inspired Gowns at Miami Fashion Show



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The McDCouture collection, made solely of McDonald’s french-fry boxes, drinking straws, hamburger and cheeseburger wrappers and McCafe coffee cups debuted their designs at the Miami Beach Funksion Fashion Show on Nov. 5.
The collection, made of 20 different runway looks was created by students at the Miami International University of Art & Design. The creative way the McDonald’s items were used to create these one-of-a-kind gowns will blow your mind…and leave you craving a cheeseburger. Source: Getty Images
The students used McCafe coffee cups to create the shape of a skirt. Source: Getty Images
Another design, utilizing hundreds of straws to create the illusion of a flowing dress. Source: Getty Images
The items were also turned into accessories such as hats, clutches, and even a bouquet.