Drew Barrymore Credits Spring Cleaning With Feeling More in Control



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Drew Barrymore is getting a jump start on spring cleaning – and even credits decluttering with helping her feel more in control when “everything feels out of control.”
The actress and talk show host took to Instagram to share her seasonal decluttering campaign, telling fans in a video “I am going to Marie Kondo my life!”
“It’s March 1. I am a woman on the edge,” Drew shared in a video of herself seated amongst piles of clothes in her master closet. “I am going to Marie Kondo my life.”
“I’m going to do ‘spring cleaning’ and hope that it gives me a sense of control because this is the only thing I can control and everything feels out of control,” Drew told viewers in the ultra relatable video. “And control is bumper rails and hopefully leads to boundaries and safety.”
“If I can get that out of cleaning the main closet, then how exciting is that?” Drew shared.
According to Real Simple, the act of cleaning and decluttering can help us feel more in control and even help with mental health.
“People are less likely to take care of their environment when they don’t feel good about themselves,” Marla Deibler, Psy.D. director of the Center for Emotional Health of Greater Philadelphia told Real Simple. “And the more chaotic their environment becomes, the worse they feel about themselves.”
Living in a clean space “gives us a sense of control over our environment which brings comfort,” Deibler shared with Real Simple.
When it comes to tackling spring cleaning and decluttering our homes it can feel overwhelming. Instead of trying to tackle the whole house at one time, experts suggest starting small with an area you know will be easy to declutter and tidy.
Setting aside just fifteen minutes a day to tackle one area of the home can give you the much-needed momentum to get your house – and life – under control.