Top Baby Names Predicted for 2020



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Expecting a baby in 2020 and looking for the perfect baby name for your bundle of joy? Name website Nameberry are back with their popular baby name predictions for 2020 just in time to help you out!
The website takes a look at different criteria to compile a list of names they believe will be popular, including taking a look at real-time name selections that garnered the most interest from Nameberry visitors in 2019 compared to 2018.
Not surprisingly, the list is heavily influenced by celebrity names, character names from movies and books, and place names from around the world.
According to Nameberry, these will be the most popular baby names for 2020:
1. Adah 2. Reese 3. Mika 4. Paisley 5. Amina 6. Teagan 7. Nova 8. Aura 9. Pearl 10. Billie
1. Austin 2. Alva 3. Acacius 4. Tate 5. Diego 6. Easton 7. Lucius 8. Cash 9. Ash 10. Luca