Fascinating Secrets Behind The Most Incredible Photos

8 years agoon
Behind every amazing photo is a talented creative photographer. The photos may appear effortlessly magical, but in reality it took some real imagination and creativity to achieve the perfect snapshot. Take a look at what these photographers did in order to create the perfect shot. It’s truly amazing! Click NEXT to start the slideshow and enjoy these fascinating secrets behind the most incredible photos.
This underwater photo is mesmerizing and appears effortless, but that’s definitely wasn’t the case to create this beauty. Rope was used to keep the model in place while a scuba diver was on standby providing her with oxygen. A true team effort!
With the help of a few safety harnesses, straps and a ladder, this photographer was able to get the perfect angle of this skilled mountain climber.
Why use the real thing, when you can create the exact photo you want!
With some cleverly strewn wiring, these burger ingredients appear to float in the air. Brilliant!
This photographer took one of Earth’s natural elements to his advantage when capturing this photo. The picture was taken zoomed in on a water droplet with a sunset photo in the background.
With the proper use of lighting materials and a screen, this subject looks straight out of a murder mystery.
Lighting and the proper background make all the difference! This portrait photographer used a projector and some vacation stock photos to achieve his creation.
These miniature car models were used to recreate a historical photograph.
This photographer lucked out when he encountered a camera curious fox.
This dedicated wedding photographer was willing to get down and dirty for the perfect shot. By getting in the mud puddle and utilizing its reflection, it resulted in perfection.
This photographer has some amazing photoshopping skills. By properly positioning the muse on the ladder and then being able to edit it out is amazing.
With the use of different sized and shaped mirrors, this photographer created a truly amazing photograph.
Underwater dog photography…yes, it’s a thing! These hilarious underwater photographs are part of a collection by New York Times Best Selling Author Seth Casteel.
Flour isn’t just used for baking, it’s used by this photographer to create a visually appealing photograph.
This photographer uses small scale designs to capture the look of various landscapes. It appears that his shots are from exotic locations and expensive to shoot, but in reality they are models utilizing inexpensive materials.
This shrimp appears to be piping hot, fresh from the pan, but look closely and you’ll see the steam is created by something entirely different.
Another brilliant use of small scale models and screens to create this beautiful landscape photograph.
This photographer gets up close and personal to obtain the perfect shot. He gets under the dress and snaps the pic from behind the tulle of her gown.
This photographer is super skilled in his Photoshop technique and is definitely talented with the background eraser tool!
Photographer Erik Johansson shot this photo entitled, Full Moon Service in 2017. His work focuses on natural settings with people exploring surrealist surroundings and supernatural events.
Although it looks treacherous, this part of a cliff is actually only 1 meter above the ground. This location proved to be a popular spot for tourists to take what appears to be a shocking photo.
With the help of special lighting and a water tank, this photographer created an incredible shot.
These perfectly placed picture frames create an awesomely romantic beach photo.
By filtering the water through this strainer, it creates what appears to be the perfect summer rain shower.
This design trend called the double color light transforms simple compositions into edgy, modern ones. It can be done via color channel splitting or with two sources of light.
This photographer used a DIY lens filter to create the heart-shaped blur.
Well, that’s one way to get the look of a romantic misty rain shower.
Mexican photographer Felix Hernandez Rodriguez takes miniature art to a whole new level, using toys and small materials to create achieve the shot he wants.
Combine household objects, some epic photoshopping skills and the help of a strong prop guy and this artist can create the appearance of a woman floating in the air.
In 2011, Russian photographer Murad Osmann created a photo series with his girlfriend over three years called “Follow Me Too,” in which she grabs his hand leading the way into various adventures.
This photographer was able to create a Maleficent look-a-like and poke some fun at the same time.
If you can’t afford a ticket to Europe to get your photo in front of the Eiffel Tower, just do the next best thing and take a picture in front of a portrait of the landmark. No one will ever know the difference.
Not able to do you annual beach vacation this year? Just grab a snapshot of your toes in the sand of the neighborhood construction site. We won’t tell.
Now you’re thinkin’! This photographer gets creative and uses a small inflatable pool to achieve the shot she’s looking for.
This photographer is able to create this illusion with some household objects and some clever photoshop techniques.
This little boy looks as if he’s falling through the sky with the help of his friends and a little thing called the photoshop eraser tool.
The perfect angle, creative use of lighting and a few household objects and you’ve got one frame-worthy photograph.
This looks like you’re at the perfect Fall picnic, when in reality it’s a staged photograph in the living room of the photographer. I feel so deceived!
The photographer places the camera on the opposite of the fence in order to get this dark, shadowy effect.
This photo was created with the use of a screen, bath tub and lighting effects.
When you can’t find a background for your photo naturally, google search one and snap your pic in front of it. No need for a studio when you have a laptop and some handheld lighting!
Wow, this is truly fascinating! A lot of things had to go right to achieve this shot, but it was well worth it!
This cool shot was created with a little sunshine and a strainer bowl! With the sunlight hitting the container at just the perfect placement, this photo was born.
With the help of a prop guy and a the exhalation of smoke, this beautiful portrait was created. No need for a smoke machine when you have your lungs.
This creative photographer gets the shot on just the right angle.
What appears to be a whimsical photo of a young woman playing in a meadow, is actually a woman crouched down in the bushes on the side of a neighborhood roadway. Way to use your surroundings!
How long can you hold a squat! This woman squats down to the perfect height with ease as she gets her photo taken on a rainy day.
This photographer was able to re-create this historical photo with the use of miniature models.
It’s great to see the behind-the-scenes effort it took to capture this shot!

Underwater Goddess

The Climb

Model Creation

Cheeseburger in Paradise

Just Dropping In

Searching for the Perfect Photo

Portrait Perfection

Mini Models

Up Close and Personal


Floating on Air

Mirror Lake

Underwater Fetch

Flour Child

Mini Models

Fake Steam

Real or Fake?

Sneak Peek

Photoshop Fun

Playing with Planets

Risky Business

Bottom of the Ocean

Perfect Placement

Don’t Rain on My Parade

Psychedelic Shadows

Heart-Shaped Cityscape

Spit Shower

Door to Nowhere

Floating Away

Lead the Way

Dark Queen

A Paris Fake Out

Vacation Fail

Floating on Water

Smoke and Mirrors

Falling in the Clouds

Less is More

Autumn Apples

On the Fence

Bathing Beauty

DIY Product Shot

A Look from Under

Oh Hole-y One


Optical Illusion

Flower Child

Dreaming of Sunshine

Historical Replica

Hang On

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