Metabolism Mistakes You Might Be Making



Source: Google
Metabolism is a term that is used to describe all chemical reactions involved in maintaining the living state of the cells and the organism. Your weight can be influenced by metabolism. Metabolism can affect your energy levels, food intake and physical activity which can consequently affect your weight.
Although people may blame weight gain on having a “slow metabolism,” it’s rarely the cause of excess weight gain. Speeding up your metabolism can aid in losing weight by the positive affects it can have on your body. You could by hijacking your body’s efficiency by making some of these metabolism mistakes.
1. You are Sleep Deprived Source: Google
If you aren’t getting enough sleep at night, you could be creating metabolic problems for yourself. If you are sleep deprived, it can affect how many calories you burn and affect your appetite control. Also, it can lead to an increase of cortisol levels, which store fat.
2. Too Much Caffeine Source: Google
Although drinking caffeine in the morning is known to boost your metabolism, if you go through the day constantly guzzling down caffeinated drinks, it can have a negative affect on your metabolism. Caffeine is a natural appetite suppressant, therefore, over-consumption of these drinks can lead to less food intake during the day. When you arrive home from your caffeine-fueled work day, you may over-eat later in the day, adversely affecting you metabolic rate.
3. Waking Up Dehydrated Source: Google
This is a simple and cheap fix. Just add more H20 to your daily routine to find your body achieving a better metabolic rate. Drinking more water can also relieve bloating and help with energy levels.
4. Add More Protein to Your Diet Source: Google
Consuming protein can make you feel fuller longer, making you less likely to snack on foods that could have negative consequences. Research has reported that after eating a protein-rich meal, your body is more likely to burn more calories post-meal.
5. Switch Up Your Workout. Source: Google Images
Engaging in HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) has proven effective in comparison to a workout at a steady pace. Research chalks it up as a result of a greater post-exercise oxygen consumption. This causes a longer calorie burn post-workout.